
wemo server starts a process serving up both a Web app providing basic device control and a REST API allowing integration with any number of services.

The necessary dependencies to run the server are not installed unless the server feature is specified at installation:

$ pip install ouimeaux[server]


The IP and port to which the server will bind are specified by the listen parameter in the configuration file. Default:

Web App

The Web app very simply presents buttons allowing control of devices and indicating current state. Motions appear as disabled buttons but will turn green when activated.



A vaguely RESTful API is provided to control devices. Arguments, where specified, may be passed either as query arguments or as JSON:

curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/api/environment -d '{"seconds":10}'

is as valid as:

curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/api/environment?seconds=10
Resource Description
GET /api/environment Returns a JSON description of all devices in the environment
POST /api/environment Initiates a discovery of the environment. Optional seconds argument (default: 5) determines length of discovery.
GET /api/device/NAME Returns a JSON description of the device named NAME. NAME will be fuzzy-matched against device names, as on the command line (e.g., “closet” will match “Hall Closet”).
POST /api/device/NAME Toggle switch state, specified by optional state argument (default: “toggle”). Valid values are “on”, “off” or “toggle”.