wemo CommandΒΆ

The wemo script will discover devices in your environment and turn switches on and off. To list devices:

$ wemo list

Default is to search for 5 seconds; you can pass --timeout to change that.

You can also print the status of every device found in your environment (the -v option is available to print on/off instead of 0/1):

$ wemo status

To turn a switch on and off, you first have to know the name. Then:

$ wemo switch "TV Room" on
$ wemo switch "TV Room" off

You can also toggle the device:

$ wemo switch "TV Room" toggle

Or check its current status (the -v option will print the word on/off instead of 0/1):

$ wemo -v switch "TV Room" status

WeMo LED Bulbs are supported on the command line as well. Control them like switches with wemo light:

$ wemo light lamp on

Or set them to a dimness level from 1 to 255:

$ wemo light lamp on 45

The wemo script will do fuzzy matching of the name you pass in (this can be disabled with the -e option):

$ wemo switch tvrm on

Aliases configured in the file will be accessible on the command line as well:

    tv: TV Room Lights

$ wemo switch tv on

Note: If an alias is used on the command line, fuzzy matching will not be attempted.

You can also clear the device cache from the command line:

$ wemo clear

The wemo script will obey configured settings; they can also be overridden on the command line:

-b, --bind IP:PORT
Bind to this host and port when listening for responses
-d, --debug
Enable debug logging to stdout
-e, --exact-match
Disable fuzzy matching
-f, --no-cache
Disable the device cache
-v, --human-readable
Print statuses as human-readable words