Source code for ouimeaux.device.api.xsd.service

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Generated Thu Jan 31 15:52:45 2013 by version 2.8b.

import sys
import getopt
import re as re_
import base64
from datetime import datetime, tzinfo, timedelta

etree_ = None
Verbose_import_ = False
(   XMLParser_import_none, XMLParser_import_lxml,
    ) = range(3)
XMLParser_import_library = None
    # lxml
    from lxml import etree as etree_
    XMLParser_import_library = XMLParser_import_lxml
    if Verbose_import_:
        print("running with lxml.etree")
except ImportError:
        # cElementTree from Python 2.5+
        import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree_
        XMLParser_import_library = XMLParser_import_elementtree
        if Verbose_import_:
            print("running with cElementTree on Python 2.5+")
    except ImportError:
            # ElementTree from Python 2.5+
            import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree_
            XMLParser_import_library = XMLParser_import_elementtree
            if Verbose_import_:
                print("running with ElementTree on Python 2.5+")
        except ImportError:
                # normal cElementTree install
                import cElementTree as etree_
                XMLParser_import_library = XMLParser_import_elementtree
                if Verbose_import_:
                    print("running with cElementTree")
            except ImportError:
                    # normal ElementTree install
                    import elementtree.ElementTree as etree_
                    XMLParser_import_library = XMLParser_import_elementtree
                    if Verbose_import_:
                        print("running with ElementTree")
                except ImportError:
                    raise ImportError(
                        "Failed to import ElementTree from any known place")

def parsexml_(*args, **kwargs):
    if (XMLParser_import_library == XMLParser_import_lxml and
        'parser' not in kwargs):
        # Use the lxml ElementTree compatible parser so that, e.g.,
        #   we ignore comments.
        kwargs['parser'] = etree_.ETCompatXMLParser()
    doc = etree_.parse(*args, **kwargs)
    return doc

# User methods
# Calls to the methods in these classes are generated by
# You can replace these methods by re-implementing the following class
#   in a module named

    from generatedssuper import GeneratedsSuper
except ImportError as exp:

    class GeneratedsSuper(object):
        tzoff_pattern = re_.compile(r'(\+|-)((0\d|1[0-3]):[0-5]\d|14:00)$')
        class _FixedOffsetTZ(tzinfo):
            def __init__(self, offset, name):
                self.__offset = timedelta(minutes = offset)
                self.__name = name
            def utcoffset(self, dt):
                return self.__offset
            def tzname(self, dt):
                return self.__name
            def dst(self, dt):
                return None
        def gds_format_string(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            return input_data
        def gds_validate_string(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            return input_data
        def gds_format_base64(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            return base64.b64encode(input_data)
        def gds_validate_base64(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            return input_data
        def gds_format_integer(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            return '%d' % input_data
        def gds_validate_integer(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            return input_data
        def gds_format_integer_list(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            return '%s' % input_data
        def gds_validate_integer_list(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            values = input_data.split()
            for value in values:
                    fvalue = float(value)
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    raise_parse_error(node, 'Requires sequence of integers')
            return input_data
        def gds_format_float(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            return '%f' % input_data
        def gds_validate_float(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            return input_data
        def gds_format_float_list(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            return '%s' % input_data
        def gds_validate_float_list(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            values = input_data.split()
            for value in values:
                    fvalue = float(value)
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    raise_parse_error(node, 'Requires sequence of floats')
            return input_data
        def gds_format_double(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            return '%e' % input_data
        def gds_validate_double(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            return input_data
        def gds_format_double_list(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            return '%s' % input_data
        def gds_validate_double_list(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            values = input_data.split()
            for value in values:
                    fvalue = float(value)
                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    raise_parse_error(node, 'Requires sequence of doubles')
            return input_data
        def gds_format_boolean(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            return '%s' % input_data
        def gds_validate_boolean(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            return input_data
        def gds_format_boolean_list(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            return '%s' % input_data
        def gds_validate_boolean_list(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            values = input_data.split()
            for value in values:
                if value not in ('true', '1', 'false', '0', ):
                        'Requires sequence of booleans '
                        '("true", "1", "false", "0")')
            return input_data
        def gds_validate_datetime(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            return input_data
        def gds_format_datetime(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            if input_data.microsecond == 0:
                _svalue = input_data.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
                _svalue = input_data.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
            if input_data.tzinfo is not None:
                tzoff = input_data.tzinfo.utcoffset(input_data)
                if tzoff is not None:
                    total_seconds = tzoff.seconds + (86400 * tzoff.days)
                    if total_seconds == 0:
                        _svalue += 'Z'
                        if total_seconds < 0:
                            _svalue += '-'
                            total_seconds *= -1
                            _svalue += '+'
                        hours = total_seconds // 3600
                        minutes = (total_seconds - (hours * 3600)) // 60
                        _svalue += '{0:02d}:{1:02d}'.format(hours, minutes)
            return _svalue
        def gds_parse_datetime(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            tz = None
            if input_data[-1] == 'Z':
                tz = GeneratedsSuper._FixedOffsetTZ(0, 'GMT')
                input_data = input_data[:-1]
                results =
                if results is not None:
                    tzoff_parts =':')
                    tzoff = int(tzoff_parts[0]) * 60 + int(tzoff_parts[1])
                    if == '-':
                        tzoff *= -1
                    tz = GeneratedsSuper._FixedOffsetTZ(
                    input_data = input_data[:-6]
            if len(input_data.split('.')) > 1:
                dt = datetime.strptime(
                        input_data, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')
                dt = datetime.strptime(
                        input_data, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
            return dt.replace(tzinfo = tz)

        def gds_validate_date(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            return input_data
        def gds_format_date(self, input_data, input_name=''):
            _svalue = input_data.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            if input_data.tzinfo is not None:
                tzoff = input_data.tzinfo.utcoffset(input_data)
                if tzoff is not None:
                    total_seconds = tzoff.seconds + (86400 * tzoff.days)
                    if total_seconds == 0:
                        _svalue += 'Z'
                        if total_seconds < 0:
                            _svalue += '-'
                            total_seconds *= -1
                            _svalue += '+'
                        hours = total_seconds // 3600
                        minutes = (total_seconds - (hours * 3600)) // 60
                        _svalue += '{0:02d}:{1:02d}'.format(hours, minutes)
            return _svalue
        def gds_parse_date(self, input_data, node, input_name=''):
            tz = None
            if input_data[-1] == 'Z':
                tz = GeneratedsSuper._FixedOffsetTZ(0, 'GMT')
                input_data = input_data[:-1]
                results =
                if results is not None:
                    tzoff_parts =':')
                    tzoff = int(tzoff_parts[0]) * 60 + int(tzoff_parts[1])
                    if == '-':
                        tzoff *= -1
                    tz = GeneratedsSuper._FixedOffsetTZ(
                    input_data = input_data[:-6]
            return datetime.strptime(input_data,
                '%Y-%m-%d').replace(tzinfo = tz)
        def gds_str_lower(self, instring):
            return instring.lower()
        def get_path_(self, node):
            path_list = []
            self.get_path_list_(node, path_list)
            path = '/'.join(path_list)
            return path
        Tag_strip_pattern_ = re_.compile(r'\{.*\}')
        def get_path_list_(self, node, path_list):
            if node is None:
            tag = GeneratedsSuper.Tag_strip_pattern_.sub('', node.tag)
            if tag:
            self.get_path_list_(node.getparent(), path_list)
        def get_class_obj_(self, node, default_class=None):
            class_obj1 = default_class
            if 'xsi' in node.nsmap:
                classname = node.get('{%s}type' % node.nsmap['xsi'])
                if classname is not None:
                    names = classname.split(':')
                    if len(names) == 2:
                        classname = names[1]
                    class_obj2 = globals().get(classname)
                    if class_obj2 is not None:
                        class_obj1 = class_obj2
            return class_obj1
        def gds_build_any(self, node, type_name=None):
            return None

# If you have installed IPython you can uncomment and use the following.
# IPython is available from

## from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed
## args = ''
## ipshell = IPShellEmbed(args,
##     banner = 'Dropping into IPython',
##     exit_msg = 'Leaving Interpreter, back to program.')

# Then use the following line where and when you want to drop into the
# IPython shell:
#    ipshell('<some message> -- Entering ipshell.\nHit Ctrl-D to exit')

# Globals

ExternalEncoding = 'ascii'
Tag_pattern_ = re_.compile(r'({.*})?(.*)')
String_cleanup_pat_ = re_.compile(r"[\n\r\s]+")
Namespace_extract_pat_ = re_.compile(r'{(.*)}(.*)')

# Support/utility functions.

def showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print=True):
    if pretty_print:
        for idx in range(level):
            outfile.write('    ')

def quote_xml(inStr):
    if not inStr:
        return ''
    s1 = (isinstance(inStr, basestring) and inStr or
          '%s' % inStr)
    s1 = s1.replace('&', '&amp;')
    s1 = s1.replace('<', '&lt;')
    s1 = s1.replace('>', '&gt;')
    return s1

def quote_attrib(inStr):
    s1 = (isinstance(inStr, basestring) and inStr or
          '%s' % inStr)
    s1 = s1.replace('&', '&amp;')
    s1 = s1.replace('<', '&lt;')
    s1 = s1.replace('>', '&gt;')
    if '"' in s1:
        if "'" in s1:
            s1 = '"%s"' % s1.replace('"', "&quot;")
            s1 = "'%s'" % s1
        s1 = '"%s"' % s1
    return s1

def quote_python(inStr):
    s1 = inStr
    if s1.find("'") == -1:
        if s1.find('\n') == -1:
            return "'%s'" % s1
            return "'''%s'''" % s1
        if s1.find('"') != -1:
            s1 = s1.replace('"', '\\"')
        if s1.find('\n') == -1:
            return '"%s"' % s1
            return '"""%s"""' % s1

def get_all_text_(node):
    if node.text is not None:
        text = node.text
        text = ''
    for child in node:
        if child.tail is not None:
            text += child.tail
    return text

def find_attr_value_(attr_name, node):
    attrs = node.attrib
    attr_parts = attr_name.split(':')
    value = None
    if len(attr_parts) == 1:
        value = attrs.get(attr_name)
    elif len(attr_parts) == 2:
        prefix, name = attr_parts
        namespace = node.nsmap.get(prefix)
        if namespace is not None:
            value = attrs.get('{%s}%s' % (namespace, name, ))
    return value

class GDSParseError(Exception):

def raise_parse_error(node, msg):
    if XMLParser_import_library == XMLParser_import_lxml:
        msg = '%s (element %s/line %d)' % (
            msg, node.tag, node.sourceline, )
        msg = '%s (element %s)' % (msg, node.tag, )
    raise GDSParseError(msg)

class MixedContainer:
    # Constants for category:
    CategoryNone = 0
    CategoryText = 1
    CategorySimple = 2
    CategoryComplex = 3
    # Constants for content_type:
    TypeNone = 0
    TypeText = 1
    TypeString = 2
    TypeInteger = 3
    TypeFloat = 4
    TypeDecimal = 5
    TypeDouble = 6
    TypeBoolean = 7
    TypeBase64 = 8
    def __init__(self, category, content_type, name, value):
        self.category = category
        self.content_type = content_type = name
        self.value = value
    def getCategory(self):
        return self.category
    def getContenttype(self, content_type):
        return self.content_type
    def getValue(self):
        return self.value
    def getName(self):
    def export(self, outfile, level, name, namespace, pretty_print=True):
        if self.category == MixedContainer.CategoryText:
            # Prevent exporting empty content as empty lines.
            if self.value.strip():
        elif self.category == MixedContainer.CategorySimple:
            self.exportSimple(outfile, level, name)
        else:    # category == MixedContainer.CategoryComplex
            self.value.export(outfile, level, namespace, name, pretty_print)
    def exportSimple(self, outfile, level, name):
        if self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeString:
            outfile.write('<%s>%s</%s>' %
                (, self.value,
        elif self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeInteger or \
                self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeBoolean:
            outfile.write('<%s>%d</%s>' %
                (, self.value,
        elif self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeFloat or \
                self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeDecimal:
            outfile.write('<%s>%f</%s>' %
                (, self.value,
        elif self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeDouble:
            outfile.write('<%s>%g</%s>' %
                (, self.value,
        elif self.content_type == MixedContainer.TypeBase64:
            outfile.write('<%s>%s</%s>' %
                (, base64.b64encode(self.value),
    def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name):
        if self.category == MixedContainer.CategoryText:
            showIndent(outfile, level)
            outfile.write('model_.MixedContainer(%d, %d, "%s", "%s"),\n'
                % (self.category, self.content_type,, self.value))
        elif self.category == MixedContainer.CategorySimple:
            showIndent(outfile, level)
            outfile.write('model_.MixedContainer(%d, %d, "%s", "%s"),\n'
                % (self.category, self.content_type,, self.value))
        else:    # category == MixedContainer.CategoryComplex
            showIndent(outfile, level)
            outfile.write('model_.MixedContainer(%d, %d, "%s",\n' % \
                (self.category, self.content_type,,))
            self.value.exportLiteral(outfile, level + 1)
            showIndent(outfile, level)

class MemberSpec_(object):
    def __init__(self, name='', data_type='', container=0): = name
        self.data_type = data_type
        self.container = container
    def set_name(self, name): = name
    def get_name(self): return
    def set_data_type(self, data_type): self.data_type = data_type
    def get_data_type_chain(self): return self.data_type
    def get_data_type(self):
        if isinstance(self.data_type, list):
            if len(self.data_type) > 0:
                return self.data_type[-1]
                return 'xs:string'
            return self.data_type
    def set_container(self, container): self.container = container
    def get_container(self): return self.container

def _cast(typ, value):
    if typ is None or value is None:
        return value
    return typ(value)

# Data representation classes.

[docs]class scpd(GeneratedsSuper): subclass = None superclass = None def __init__(self, specVersion=None, actionList=None, serviceStateTable=None): self.specVersion = specVersion self.actionList = actionList self.serviceStateTable = serviceStateTable
[docs] def factory(*args_, **kwargs_): if scpd.subclass: return scpd.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_) else: return scpd(*args_, **kwargs_)
factory = staticmethod(factory)
[docs] def get_specVersion(self): return self.specVersion
[docs] def set_specVersion(self, specVersion): self.specVersion = specVersion
[docs] def get_actionList(self): return self.actionList
[docs] def set_actionList(self, actionList): self.actionList = actionList
[docs] def get_serviceStateTable(self): return self.serviceStateTable
[docs] def set_serviceStateTable(self, serviceStateTable): self.serviceStateTable = serviceStateTable
[docs] def export(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='scpd', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', )) already_processed = [] self.exportAttributes(outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='scpd') if self.hasContent_(): outfile.write('>%s' % (eol_, )) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print) showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_)) else: outfile.write('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
[docs] def exportAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_='', name_='scpd'): pass
[docs] def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='scpd', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' if self.specVersion is not None: self.specVersion.export(outfile, level, namespace_, name_='specVersion', pretty_print=pretty_print) if self.actionList is not None: self.actionList.export(outfile, level, namespace_, name_='actionList', pretty_print=pretty_print) if self.serviceStateTable is not None: self.serviceStateTable.export(outfile, level, namespace_, name_='serviceStateTable', pretty_print=pretty_print)
[docs] def hasContent_(self): if ( self.specVersion is not None or self.actionList is not None or self.serviceStateTable is not None ): return True else: return False
[docs] def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name_='scpd'): level += 1 self.exportLiteralAttributes(outfile, level, [], name_) if self.hasContent_(): self.exportLiteralChildren(outfile, level, name_)
[docs] def exportLiteralAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, name_): pass
[docs] def exportLiteralChildren(self, outfile, level, name_): if self.specVersion is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('specVersion=model_.SpecVersionType(\n') self.specVersion.exportLiteral(outfile, level, name_='specVersion') showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('),\n') if self.actionList is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('actionList=model_.ActionListType(\n') self.actionList.exportLiteral(outfile, level, name_='actionList') showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('),\n') if self.serviceStateTable is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('serviceStateTable=model_.ServiceStateTableType(\n') self.serviceStateTable.exportLiteral(outfile, level, name_='serviceStateTable') showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('),\n')
[docs] def build(self, node): self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, []) for child in node: nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1] self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
[docs] def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed): pass
[docs] def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False): if nodeName_ == 'specVersion': obj_ = SpecVersionType.factory() self.set_specVersion(obj_) elif nodeName_ == 'actionList': obj_ = ActionListType.factory() self.set_actionList(obj_) elif nodeName_ == 'serviceStateTable': obj_ = ServiceStateTableType.factory() self.set_serviceStateTable(obj_)
# end class scpd
[docs]class SpecVersionType(GeneratedsSuper): subclass = None superclass = None def __init__(self, major=None, minor=None): self.major = major self.minor = minor
[docs] def factory(*args_, **kwargs_): if SpecVersionType.subclass: return SpecVersionType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_) else: return SpecVersionType(*args_, **kwargs_)
factory = staticmethod(factory)
[docs] def get_major(self): return self.major
[docs] def set_major(self, major): self.major = major
[docs] def get_minor(self): return self.minor
[docs] def set_minor(self, minor): self.minor = minor
[docs] def export(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='SpecVersionType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', )) already_processed = [] self.exportAttributes(outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='SpecVersionType') if self.hasContent_(): outfile.write('>%s' % (eol_, )) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print) showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_)) else: outfile.write('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
[docs] def exportAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_='', name_='SpecVersionType'): pass
[docs] def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='SpecVersionType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' if self.major is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%smajor>%s</%smajor>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_integer(self.major, input_name='major'), namespace_, eol_)) if self.minor is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%sminor>%s</%sminor>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_integer(self.minor, input_name='minor'), namespace_, eol_))
[docs] def hasContent_(self): if ( self.major is not None or self.minor is not None ): return True else: return False
[docs] def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name_='SpecVersionType'): level += 1 self.exportLiteralAttributes(outfile, level, [], name_) if self.hasContent_(): self.exportLiteralChildren(outfile, level, name_)
[docs] def exportLiteralAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, name_): pass
[docs] def exportLiteralChildren(self, outfile, level, name_): if self.major is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('major=%d,\n' % self.major) if self.minor is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('minor=%d,\n' % self.minor)
[docs] def build(self, node): self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, []) for child in node: nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1] self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
[docs] def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed): pass
[docs] def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False): if nodeName_ == 'major': sval_ = child_.text try: ival_ = int(sval_) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exp: raise_parse_error(child_, 'requires integer: %s' % exp) ival_ = self.gds_validate_integer(ival_, node, 'major') self.major = ival_ elif nodeName_ == 'minor': sval_ = child_.text try: ival_ = int(sval_) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exp: raise_parse_error(child_, 'requires integer: %s' % exp) ival_ = self.gds_validate_integer(ival_, node, 'minor') self.minor = ival_
# end class SpecVersionType
[docs]class ActionListType(GeneratedsSuper): subclass = None superclass = None def __init__(self, action=None): if action is None: self.action = [] else: self.action = action
[docs] def factory(*args_, **kwargs_): if ActionListType.subclass: return ActionListType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_) else: return ActionListType(*args_, **kwargs_)
factory = staticmethod(factory)
[docs] def get_action(self): return self.action
[docs] def set_action(self, action): self.action = action
[docs] def add_action(self, value): self.action.append(value)
[docs] def insert_action(self, index, value): self.action[index] = value
[docs] def export(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='ActionListType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', )) already_processed = [] self.exportAttributes(outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='ActionListType') if self.hasContent_(): outfile.write('>%s' % (eol_, )) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print) showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_)) else: outfile.write('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
[docs] def exportAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_='', name_='ActionListType'): pass
[docs] def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='ActionListType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' for action_ in self.action: action_.export(outfile, level, namespace_, name_='action', pretty_print=pretty_print)
[docs] def hasContent_(self): if ( self.action ): return True else: return False
[docs] def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name_='ActionListType'): level += 1 self.exportLiteralAttributes(outfile, level, [], name_) if self.hasContent_(): self.exportLiteralChildren(outfile, level, name_)
[docs] def exportLiteralAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, name_): pass
[docs] def exportLiteralChildren(self, outfile, level, name_): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('action=[\n') level += 1 for action_ in self.action: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('model_.ActionType(\n') action_.exportLiteral(outfile, level, name_='ActionType') showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('),\n') level -= 1 showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('],\n')
[docs] def build(self, node): self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, []) for child in node: nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1] self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
[docs] def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed): pass
[docs] def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False): if nodeName_ == 'action': obj_ = ActionType.factory() self.action.append(obj_)
# end class ActionListType
[docs]class ActionType(GeneratedsSuper): subclass = None superclass = None def __init__(self, name=None, argumentList=None): = name self.argumentList = argumentList
[docs] def factory(*args_, **kwargs_): if ActionType.subclass: return ActionType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_) else: return ActionType(*args_, **kwargs_)
factory = staticmethod(factory)
[docs] def get_name(self): return
[docs] def set_name(self, name): = name
[docs] def get_argumentList(self): return self.argumentList
[docs] def set_argumentList(self, argumentList): self.argumentList = argumentList
[docs] def export(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='ActionType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', )) already_processed = [] self.exportAttributes(outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='ActionType') if self.hasContent_(): outfile.write('>%s' % (eol_, )) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print) showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_)) else: outfile.write('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
[docs] def exportAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_='', name_='ActionType'): pass
[docs] def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='ActionType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' if is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%sname>%s</%sname>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_string(quote_xml(, input_name='name'), namespace_, eol_)) if self.argumentList is not None: self.argumentList.export(outfile, level, namespace_, name_='argumentList', pretty_print=pretty_print)
[docs] def hasContent_(self): if ( is not None or self.argumentList is not None ): return True else: return False
[docs] def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name_='ActionType'): level += 1 self.exportLiteralAttributes(outfile, level, [], name_) if self.hasContent_(): self.exportLiteralChildren(outfile, level, name_)
[docs] def exportLiteralAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, name_): pass
[docs] def exportLiteralChildren(self, outfile, level, name_): if is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('name=%s,\n' % quote_python( if self.argumentList is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('argumentList=model_.ArgumentListType(\n') self.argumentList.exportLiteral(outfile, level, name_='argumentList') showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('),\n')
[docs] def build(self, node): self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, []) for child in node: nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1] self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
[docs] def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed): pass
[docs] def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False): if nodeName_ == 'name': name_ = child_.text name_ = self.gds_validate_string(name_, node, 'name') = name_ elif nodeName_ == 'argumentList': obj_ = ArgumentListType.factory() self.set_argumentList(obj_)
# end class ActionType
[docs]class ArgumentListType(GeneratedsSuper): subclass = None superclass = None def __init__(self, argument=None): if argument is None: self.argument = [] else: self.argument = argument
[docs] def factory(*args_, **kwargs_): if ArgumentListType.subclass: return ArgumentListType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_) else: return ArgumentListType(*args_, **kwargs_)
factory = staticmethod(factory)
[docs] def get_argument(self): return self.argument
[docs] def set_argument(self, argument): self.argument = argument
[docs] def add_argument(self, value): self.argument.append(value)
[docs] def insert_argument(self, index, value): self.argument[index] = value
[docs] def export(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='ArgumentListType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', )) already_processed = [] self.exportAttributes(outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='ArgumentListType') if self.hasContent_(): outfile.write('>%s' % (eol_, )) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print) showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_)) else: outfile.write('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
[docs] def exportAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_='', name_='ArgumentListType'): pass
[docs] def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='ArgumentListType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' for argument_ in self.argument: argument_.export(outfile, level, namespace_, name_='argument', pretty_print=pretty_print)
[docs] def hasContent_(self): if ( self.argument ): return True else: return False
[docs] def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name_='ArgumentListType'): level += 1 self.exportLiteralAttributes(outfile, level, [], name_) if self.hasContent_(): self.exportLiteralChildren(outfile, level, name_)
[docs] def exportLiteralAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, name_): pass
[docs] def exportLiteralChildren(self, outfile, level, name_): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('argument=[\n') level += 1 for argument_ in self.argument: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('model_.ArgumentType(\n') argument_.exportLiteral(outfile, level, name_='ArgumentType') showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('),\n') level -= 1 showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('],\n')
[docs] def build(self, node): self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, []) for child in node: nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1] self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
[docs] def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed): pass
[docs] def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False): if nodeName_ == 'argument': obj_ = ArgumentType.factory() self.argument.append(obj_)
# end class ArgumentListType
[docs]class ArgumentType(GeneratedsSuper): subclass = None superclass = None def __init__(self, name=None, direction=None, relatedStateVariable=None, retval=None): = name self.direction = direction self.relatedStateVariable = relatedStateVariable self.retval = retval
[docs] def factory(*args_, **kwargs_): if ArgumentType.subclass: return ArgumentType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_) else: return ArgumentType(*args_, **kwargs_)
factory = staticmethod(factory)
[docs] def get_name(self): return
[docs] def set_name(self, name): = name
[docs] def get_direction(self): return self.direction
[docs] def set_direction(self, direction): self.direction = direction
[docs] def get_relatedStateVariable(self): return self.relatedStateVariable
[docs] def set_relatedStateVariable(self, relatedStateVariable): self.relatedStateVariable = relatedStateVariable
[docs] def get_retval(self): return self.retval
[docs] def set_retval(self, retval): self.retval = retval
[docs] def export(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='ArgumentType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', )) already_processed = [] self.exportAttributes(outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='ArgumentType') if self.hasContent_(): outfile.write('>%s' % (eol_, )) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print) showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_)) else: outfile.write('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
[docs] def exportAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_='', name_='ArgumentType'): pass
[docs] def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='ArgumentType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' if is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%sname>%s</%sname>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_string(quote_xml(, input_name='name'), namespace_, eol_)) if self.direction is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%sdirection>%s</%sdirection>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_string(quote_xml(self.direction).encode(ExternalEncoding), input_name='direction'), namespace_, eol_)) if self.relatedStateVariable is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%srelatedStateVariable>%s</%srelatedStateVariable>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_string(quote_xml(self.relatedStateVariable).encode(ExternalEncoding), input_name='relatedStateVariable'), namespace_, eol_)) if self.retval is not None: self.retval.export(outfile, level, namespace_, name_='retval', pretty_print=pretty_print)
[docs] def hasContent_(self): if ( is not None or self.direction is not None or self.relatedStateVariable is not None or self.retval is not None ): return True else: return False
[docs] def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name_='ArgumentType'): level += 1 self.exportLiteralAttributes(outfile, level, [], name_) if self.hasContent_(): self.exportLiteralChildren(outfile, level, name_)
[docs] def exportLiteralAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, name_): pass
[docs] def exportLiteralChildren(self, outfile, level, name_): if is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('name=%s,\n' % quote_python( if self.direction is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('direction=%s,\n' % quote_python(self.direction).encode(ExternalEncoding)) if self.relatedStateVariable is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('relatedStateVariable=%s,\n' % quote_python(self.relatedStateVariable).encode(ExternalEncoding)) if self.retval is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('retval=model_.retvalType(\n') self.retval.exportLiteral(outfile, level, name_='retval') showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('),\n')
[docs] def build(self, node): self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, []) for child in node: nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1] self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
[docs] def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed): pass
[docs] def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False): if nodeName_ == 'name': name_ = child_.text name_ = self.gds_validate_string(name_, node, 'name') = name_ elif nodeName_ == 'direction': direction_ = child_.text direction_ = self.gds_validate_string(direction_, node, 'direction') self.direction = direction_ elif nodeName_ == 'relatedStateVariable': relatedStateVariable_ = child_.text relatedStateVariable_ = self.gds_validate_string(relatedStateVariable_, node, 'relatedStateVariable') self.relatedStateVariable = relatedStateVariable_ elif nodeName_ == 'retval': obj_ = retvalType.factory() self.set_retval(obj_)
# end class ArgumentType
[docs]class ServiceStateTableType(GeneratedsSuper): subclass = None superclass = None def __init__(self, stateVariable=None): if stateVariable is None: self.stateVariable = [] else: self.stateVariable = stateVariable
[docs] def factory(*args_, **kwargs_): if ServiceStateTableType.subclass: return ServiceStateTableType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_) else: return ServiceStateTableType(*args_, **kwargs_)
factory = staticmethod(factory)
[docs] def get_stateVariable(self): return self.stateVariable
[docs] def set_stateVariable(self, stateVariable): self.stateVariable = stateVariable
[docs] def add_stateVariable(self, value): self.stateVariable.append(value)
[docs] def insert_stateVariable(self, index, value): self.stateVariable[index] = value
[docs] def export(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='ServiceStateTableType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', )) already_processed = [] self.exportAttributes(outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='ServiceStateTableType') if self.hasContent_(): outfile.write('>%s' % (eol_, )) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print) showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_)) else: outfile.write('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
[docs] def exportAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_='', name_='ServiceStateTableType'): pass
[docs] def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='ServiceStateTableType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' for stateVariable_ in self.stateVariable: stateVariable_.export(outfile, level, namespace_, name_='stateVariable', pretty_print=pretty_print)
[docs] def hasContent_(self): if ( self.stateVariable ): return True else: return False
[docs] def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name_='ServiceStateTableType'): level += 1 self.exportLiteralAttributes(outfile, level, [], name_) if self.hasContent_(): self.exportLiteralChildren(outfile, level, name_)
[docs] def exportLiteralAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, name_): pass
[docs] def exportLiteralChildren(self, outfile, level, name_): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('stateVariable=[\n') level += 1 for stateVariable_ in self.stateVariable: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('model_.StateVariableType(\n') stateVariable_.exportLiteral(outfile, level, name_='StateVariableType') showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('),\n') level -= 1 showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('],\n')
[docs] def build(self, node): self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, []) for child in node: nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1] self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
[docs] def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed): pass
[docs] def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False): if nodeName_ == 'stateVariable': obj_ = StateVariableType.factory() self.stateVariable.append(obj_)
# end class ServiceStateTableType
[docs]class StateVariableType(GeneratedsSuper): subclass = None superclass = None def __init__(self, sendEvents='yes', name=None, dataType=None, defaultValue=None, allowedValueList=None, allowedValueRange=None): self.sendEvents = _cast(None, sendEvents) = name self.dataType = dataType self.defaultValue = defaultValue self.allowedValueList = allowedValueList self.allowedValueRange = allowedValueRange
[docs] def factory(*args_, **kwargs_): if StateVariableType.subclass: return StateVariableType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_) else: return StateVariableType(*args_, **kwargs_)
factory = staticmethod(factory)
[docs] def get_name(self): return
[docs] def set_name(self, name): = name
[docs] def get_dataType(self): return self.dataType
[docs] def set_dataType(self, dataType): self.dataType = dataType
[docs] def get_defaultValue(self): return self.defaultValue
[docs] def set_defaultValue(self, defaultValue): self.defaultValue = defaultValue
[docs] def get_allowedValueList(self): return self.allowedValueList
[docs] def set_allowedValueList(self, allowedValueList): self.allowedValueList = allowedValueList
[docs] def get_allowedValueRange(self): return self.allowedValueRange
[docs] def set_allowedValueRange(self, allowedValueRange): self.allowedValueRange = allowedValueRange
[docs] def get_sendEvents(self): return self.sendEvents
[docs] def set_sendEvents(self, sendEvents): self.sendEvents = sendEvents
[docs] def export(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='StateVariableType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', )) already_processed = [] self.exportAttributes(outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='StateVariableType') if self.hasContent_(): outfile.write('>%s' % (eol_, )) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print) showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_)) else: outfile.write('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
[docs] def exportAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_='', name_='StateVariableType'): if self.sendEvents is not None and 'sendEvents' not in already_processed: already_processed.append('sendEvents') outfile.write(' sendEvents=%s' % (self.gds_format_string(quote_attrib(self.sendEvents).encode(ExternalEncoding), input_name='sendEvents'), ))
[docs] def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='StateVariableType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' if is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%sname>%s</%sname>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_string(quote_xml(, input_name='name'), namespace_, eol_)) if self.dataType is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%sdataType>%s</%sdataType>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_string(quote_xml(self.dataType).encode(ExternalEncoding), input_name='dataType'), namespace_, eol_)) if self.defaultValue is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%sdefaultValue>%s</%sdefaultValue>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_string(quote_xml(self.defaultValue).encode(ExternalEncoding), input_name='defaultValue'), namespace_, eol_)) if self.allowedValueList is not None: self.allowedValueList.export(outfile, level, namespace_, name_='allowedValueList', pretty_print=pretty_print) if self.allowedValueRange is not None: self.allowedValueRange.export(outfile, level, namespace_, name_='allowedValueRange', pretty_print=pretty_print)
[docs] def hasContent_(self): if ( is not None or self.dataType is not None or self.defaultValue is not None or self.allowedValueList is not None or self.allowedValueRange is not None ): return True else: return False
[docs] def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name_='StateVariableType'): level += 1 self.exportLiteralAttributes(outfile, level, [], name_) if self.hasContent_(): self.exportLiteralChildren(outfile, level, name_)
[docs] def exportLiteralAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, name_): if self.sendEvents is not None and 'sendEvents' not in already_processed: already_processed.append('sendEvents') showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('sendEvents = "%s",\n' % (self.sendEvents,))
[docs] def exportLiteralChildren(self, outfile, level, name_): if is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('name=%s,\n' % quote_python( if self.dataType is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('dataType=%s,\n' % quote_python(self.dataType).encode(ExternalEncoding)) if self.defaultValue is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('defaultValue=%s,\n' % quote_python(self.defaultValue).encode(ExternalEncoding)) if self.allowedValueList is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('allowedValueList=model_.AllowedValueListType(\n') self.allowedValueList.exportLiteral(outfile, level, name_='allowedValueList') showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('),\n') if self.allowedValueRange is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('allowedValueRange=model_.AllowedValueRangeType(\n') self.allowedValueRange.exportLiteral(outfile, level, name_='allowedValueRange') showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('),\n')
[docs] def build(self, node): self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, []) for child in node: nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1] self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
[docs] def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed): value = find_attr_value_('sendEvents', node) if value is not None and 'sendEvents' not in already_processed: already_processed.append('sendEvents') self.sendEvents = value
[docs] def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False): if nodeName_ == 'name': name_ = child_.text name_ = self.gds_validate_string(name_, node, 'name') = name_ elif nodeName_ == 'dataType': dataType_ = child_.text dataType_ = self.gds_validate_string(dataType_, node, 'dataType') self.dataType = dataType_ elif nodeName_ == 'defaultValue': defaultValue_ = child_.text defaultValue_ = self.gds_validate_string(defaultValue_, node, 'defaultValue') self.defaultValue = defaultValue_ elif nodeName_ == 'allowedValueList': obj_ = AllowedValueListType.factory() self.set_allowedValueList(obj_) elif nodeName_ == 'allowedValueRange': obj_ = AllowedValueRangeType.factory() self.set_allowedValueRange(obj_)
# end class StateVariableType
[docs]class AllowedValueListType(GeneratedsSuper): subclass = None superclass = None def __init__(self, allowedValue=None): if allowedValue is None: self.allowedValue = [] else: self.allowedValue = allowedValue
[docs] def factory(*args_, **kwargs_): if AllowedValueListType.subclass: return AllowedValueListType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_) else: return AllowedValueListType(*args_, **kwargs_)
factory = staticmethod(factory)
[docs] def get_allowedValue(self): return self.allowedValue
[docs] def set_allowedValue(self, allowedValue): self.allowedValue = allowedValue
[docs] def add_allowedValue(self, value): self.allowedValue.append(value)
[docs] def insert_allowedValue(self, index, value): self.allowedValue[index] = value
[docs] def export(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='AllowedValueListType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', )) already_processed = [] self.exportAttributes(outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='AllowedValueListType') if self.hasContent_(): outfile.write('>%s' % (eol_, )) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print) showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_)) else: outfile.write('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
[docs] def exportAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_='', name_='AllowedValueListType'): pass
[docs] def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='AllowedValueListType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' for allowedValue_ in self.allowedValue: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%sallowedValue>%s</%sallowedValue>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_string(quote_xml(allowedValue_).encode(ExternalEncoding), input_name='allowedValue'), namespace_, eol_))
[docs] def hasContent_(self): if ( self.allowedValue ): return True else: return False
[docs] def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name_='AllowedValueListType'): level += 1 self.exportLiteralAttributes(outfile, level, [], name_) if self.hasContent_(): self.exportLiteralChildren(outfile, level, name_)
[docs] def exportLiteralAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, name_): pass
[docs] def exportLiteralChildren(self, outfile, level, name_): showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('allowedValue=[\n') level += 1 for allowedValue_ in self.allowedValue: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('%s,\n' % quote_python(allowedValue_).encode(ExternalEncoding)) level -= 1 showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('],\n')
[docs] def build(self, node): self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, []) for child in node: nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1] self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
[docs] def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed): pass
[docs] def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False): if nodeName_ == 'allowedValue': allowedValue_ = child_.text allowedValue_ = self.gds_validate_string(allowedValue_, node, 'allowedValue') self.allowedValue.append(allowedValue_)
# end class AllowedValueListType
[docs]class AllowedValueRangeType(GeneratedsSuper): subclass = None superclass = None def __init__(self, minimum=None, maximum=None, step=None): self.minimum = minimum self.maximum = maximum self.step = step
[docs] def factory(*args_, **kwargs_): if AllowedValueRangeType.subclass: return AllowedValueRangeType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_) else: return AllowedValueRangeType(*args_, **kwargs_)
factory = staticmethod(factory)
[docs] def get_minimum(self): return self.minimum
[docs] def set_minimum(self, minimum): self.minimum = minimum
[docs] def get_maximum(self): return self.maximum
[docs] def set_maximum(self, maximum): self.maximum = maximum
[docs] def get_step(self): return self.step
[docs] def set_step(self, step): self.step = step
[docs] def export(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='AllowedValueRangeType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', )) already_processed = [] self.exportAttributes(outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='AllowedValueRangeType') if self.hasContent_(): outfile.write('>%s' % (eol_, )) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print) showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_)) else: outfile.write('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
[docs] def exportAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_='', name_='AllowedValueRangeType'): pass
[docs] def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='AllowedValueRangeType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' if self.minimum is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%sminimum>%s</%sminimum>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_float(self.minimum, input_name='minimum'), namespace_, eol_)) if self.maximum is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%smaximum>%s</%smaximum>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_float(self.maximum, input_name='maximum'), namespace_, eol_)) if self.step is not None: showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%sstep>%s</%sstep>%s' % (namespace_, self.gds_format_float(self.step, input_name='step'), namespace_, eol_))
[docs] def hasContent_(self): if ( self.minimum is not None or self.maximum is not None or self.step is not None ): return True else: return False
[docs] def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name_='AllowedValueRangeType'): level += 1 self.exportLiteralAttributes(outfile, level, [], name_) if self.hasContent_(): self.exportLiteralChildren(outfile, level, name_)
[docs] def exportLiteralAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, name_): pass
[docs] def exportLiteralChildren(self, outfile, level, name_): if self.minimum is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('minimum=%f,\n' % self.minimum) if self.maximum is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('maximum=%f,\n' % self.maximum) if self.step is not None: showIndent(outfile, level) outfile.write('step=%f,\n' % self.step)
[docs] def build(self, node): self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, []) for child in node: nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1] self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
[docs] def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed): pass
[docs] def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False): if nodeName_ == 'minimum': sval_ = child_.text try: fval_ = float(sval_) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exp: raise_parse_error(child_, 'requires float or double: %s' % exp) fval_ = self.gds_validate_float(fval_, node, 'minimum') self.minimum = fval_ elif nodeName_ == 'maximum': sval_ = child_.text try: fval_ = float(sval_) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exp: raise_parse_error(child_, 'requires float or double: %s' % exp) fval_ = self.gds_validate_float(fval_, node, 'maximum') self.maximum = fval_ elif nodeName_ == 'step': sval_ = child_.text try: fval_ = float(sval_) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exp: raise_parse_error(child_, 'requires float or double: %s' % exp) fval_ = self.gds_validate_float(fval_, node, 'step') self.step = fval_
# end class AllowedValueRangeType
[docs]class retvalType(GeneratedsSuper): subclass = None superclass = None def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def factory(*args_, **kwargs_): if retvalType.subclass: return retvalType.subclass(*args_, **kwargs_) else: return retvalType(*args_, **kwargs_)
factory = staticmethod(factory)
[docs] def export(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='retvalType', namespacedef_='', pretty_print=True): if pretty_print: eol_ = '\n' else: eol_ = '' showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print) outfile.write('<%s%s%s' % (namespace_, name_, namespacedef_ and ' ' + namespacedef_ or '', )) already_processed = [] self.exportAttributes(outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_, name_='retvalType') if self.hasContent_(): outfile.write('>%s' % (eol_, )) self.exportChildren(outfile, level + 1, namespace_, name_, pretty_print=pretty_print) outfile.write('</%s%s>%s' % (namespace_, name_, eol_)) else: outfile.write('/>%s' % (eol_, ))
[docs] def exportAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, namespace_='', name_='retvalType'): pass
[docs] def exportChildren(self, outfile, level, namespace_='', name_='retvalType', fromsubclass_=False, pretty_print=True): pass
[docs] def hasContent_(self): if ( ): return True else: return False
[docs] def exportLiteral(self, outfile, level, name_='retvalType'): level += 1 self.exportLiteralAttributes(outfile, level, [], name_) if self.hasContent_(): self.exportLiteralChildren(outfile, level, name_)
[docs] def exportLiteralAttributes(self, outfile, level, already_processed, name_): pass
[docs] def exportLiteralChildren(self, outfile, level, name_): pass
[docs] def build(self, node): self.buildAttributes(node, node.attrib, []) for child in node: nodeName_ = Tag_pattern_.match(child.tag).groups()[-1] self.buildChildren(child, node, nodeName_)
[docs] def buildAttributes(self, node, attrs, already_processed): pass
[docs] def buildChildren(self, child_, node, nodeName_, fromsubclass_=False): pass
# end class retvalType GDSClassesMapping = { 'argumentList': ArgumentListType, 'actionList': ActionListType, 'retval': retvalType, 'stateVariable': StateVariableType, 'argument': ArgumentType, 'action': ActionType, 'serviceStateTable': ServiceStateTableType, 'allowedValueRange': AllowedValueRangeType, 'specVersion': SpecVersionType, 'allowedValueList': AllowedValueListType, } USAGE_TEXT = """ Usage: python <Parser>.py [ -s ] <in_xml_file> """ def usage(): print(USAGE_TEXT) sys.exit(1) def get_root_tag(node): tag = Tag_pattern_.match(node.tag).groups()[-1] rootClass = GDSClassesMapping.get(tag) if rootClass is None: rootClass = globals().get(tag) return tag, rootClass def parse(inFileName): doc = parsexml_(inFileName) rootNode = doc.getroot() rootTag, rootClass = get_root_tag(rootNode) if rootClass is None: rootTag = 'scpd' rootClass = scpd rootObj = rootClass.factory() # Enable Python to collect the space used by the DOM. doc = None return rootObj def parseString(inString): from io import BytesIO doc = parsexml_(BytesIO(inString)) rootNode = doc.getroot() rootTag, rootClass = get_root_tag(rootNode) if rootClass is None: rootTag = 'scpd' rootClass = scpd rootObj = rootClass.factory() # Enable Python to collect the space used by the DOM. doc = None return rootObj def parseLiteral(inFileName): doc = parsexml_(inFileName) rootNode = doc.getroot() rootTag, rootClass = get_root_tag(rootNode) if rootClass is None: rootTag = 'scpd' rootClass = scpd rootObj = rootClass.factory() # Enable Python to collect the space used by the DOM. doc = None sys.stdout.write('#from service import *\n\n') sys.stdout.write('from datetime import datetime as datetime_\n\n') sys.stdout.write('import service as model_\n\n') sys.stdout.write('rootObj = model_.rootTag(\n') rootObj.exportLiteral(sys.stdout, 0, name_=rootTag) sys.stdout.write(')\n') return rootObj def main(): args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 1: parse(args[0]) else: usage() if __name__ == '__main__': #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() main() __all__ = [ "ActionListType", "ActionType", "AllowedValueListType", "AllowedValueRangeType", "ArgumentListType", "ArgumentType", "ServiceStateTableType", "SpecVersionType", "StateVariableType", "retvalType", "scpd" ]