Source code for ouimeaux.environment

import logging

import gevent
import requests

from ouimeaux.config import WemoConfiguration
from ouimeaux.device import DeviceUnreachable
from ouimeaux.device.switch import Switch
from ouimeaux.device.insight import Insight
from ouimeaux.device.maker import Maker
from ouimeaux.device.lightswitch import LightSwitch
from ouimeaux.device.motion import Motion
from ouimeaux.device.bridge import Bridge
from ouimeaux.discovery import UPnP
from ouimeaux.signals import discovered, devicefound
from ouimeaux.subscribe import SubscriptionRegistry
from ouimeaux.utils import matcher

_MARKER = object()
_NOOP = lambda *x: None
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

reqlog = logging.getLogger("requests")
reqlog.disabled = True

[docs]class StopBroadcasting(Exception): pass
[docs]class UnknownDevice(Exception): pass
[docs]class Environment(object): def __init__(self, switch_callback=_NOOP, motion_callback=_NOOP, bridge_callback=_NOOP, maker_callback=_NOOP, with_discovery=True, with_subscribers=True, with_cache=_MARKER, bind=None, config_filename=None): """ Create a WeMo environment. @param switch_callback: A function to be called when a new switch is discovered. @type switch_callback: function @param motion_callback: A function to be called when a new motion is discovered. @type motion_callback: function @param with_subscribers: Whether to register for events with discovered devices. @type with_subscribers: bool @param bind: ip:port to which to bind the response server. @type bind: str """ if with_cache is not _MARKER: log.warn("with_cache argument is deprecated (and nonfunctional)") self._config = WemoConfiguration(filename=config_filename) self.upnp = UPnP(bind=bind or self._config.bind) discovered.connect(self._found_device, self.upnp) self.registry = SubscriptionRegistry() self._with_discovery = with_discovery self._with_subscribers = with_subscribers self._switch_callback = switch_callback self._motion_callback = motion_callback self._bridge_callback = bridge_callback self._maker_callback = maker_callback self._switches = {} self._motions = {} self._bridges = {} self._makers = {} self.devices = {} def __iter__(self): return self.devices.itervalues()
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the server(s) necessary to receive information from devices. """ if self._with_discovery: # Start the server to listen to new devices self.upnp.server.set_spawn(2) self.upnp.server.start() if self._with_subscribers: # Start the server to listen to events self.registry.server.set_spawn(2) self.registry.server.start()
[docs] def wait(self, timeout=None): """ Wait for events. """ try: if timeout: gevent.sleep(timeout) else: while True: gevent.sleep(1000) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, Exception): pass
[docs] def discover(self, seconds=2): """ Discover devices in the environment. @param seconds: Number of seconds to broadcast requests. @type seconds: int """"Discovering devices") with gevent.Timeout(seconds, StopBroadcasting) as timeout: try: try: while True: self.upnp.broadcast() gevent.sleep(1) except Exception as e: raise StopBroadcasting(e) except StopBroadcasting: return
def _found_device(self, sender, **kwargs): address = kwargs['address'] headers = kwargs['headers'] usn = headers['usn'] if usn.startswith('uuid:Socket'): klass = Switch elif usn.startswith('uuid:Lightswitch'): klass = LightSwitch elif usn.startswith('uuid:Insight'): klass = Insight elif usn.startswith('uuid:Sensor'): klass = Motion elif usn.startswith('uuid:Bridge'): klass = Bridge elif usn.startswith('uuid:Maker'): klass = Maker else:"Unrecognized device type. USN={0}".format(usn)) return device = klass(headers['location'])"Found device %r at %s" % (device, address)) self._process_device(device) def _process_device(self, device): if isinstance(device, Switch): callback = self._switch_callback registry = self._switches elif isinstance(device, Motion): callback = self._motion_callback registry = self._motions elif isinstance(device, Bridge): callback = self._bridge_callback registry = self._bridges for light in device.Lights:"Found light \"%s\" connected to \"%s\"" % (light, for group in device.Groups:"Found group \"%s\" connected to \"%s\"" % (group, elif isinstance(device, Maker): callback = self._maker_callback registry = self._makers else: return self.devices[] = device registry[] = device if self._with_subscribers: self.registry.register(device) self.registry.on(device, 'BinaryState', device._update_state) try: if isinstance(device, Bridge): pass else: except DeviceUnreachable: return devicefound.send(device) callback(device)
[docs] def list_switches(self): """ List switches discovered in the environment. """ return self._switches.keys()
[docs] def list_motions(self): """ List motions discovered in the environment. """ return self._motions.keys()
[docs] def list_makers(self): """ List makers discovered in the environment. """ return self._makers.keys()
[docs] def list_bridges(self): """ List bridges discovered in the environment. """ return self._bridges.keys()
[docs] def get(self, name): alias = self._config.aliases.get(name) if alias: matches = lambda x: x == alias elif name: matches = matcher(name) else: matches = _NOOP for k in self.devices: if matches(k): return self.devices[k] else: raise UnknownDevice(name)
[docs] def get_switch(self, name): """ Get a switch by name. """ try: return self._switches[name] except KeyError: raise UnknownDevice(name)
[docs] def get_motion(self, name): """ Get a motion by name. """ try: return self._motions[name] except KeyError: raise UnknownDevice(name)
[docs] def get_bridge(self, name): """ Get a bridge by name. """ try: return self._bridges[name] except KeyError: raise UnknownDevice(name)
[docs] def get_maker(self, name): """ Get a maker by name. """ try: return self._makers[name] except KeyError: raise UnknownDevice(name)
if __name__ == "__main__": # Use with python -i environment = Environment()