Source code for ouimeaux.cli

import os
import sys
import logging
import argparse

from .discovery import UPnPLoopbackException
from .environment import Environment
from .config import in_home, WemoConfiguration
from .utils import matcher

reqlog = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool")
reqlog.disabled = True

NOOP = lambda *x: None

def _state(device, readable=False):
    state = device.get_state(force_update=True)
    if readable:
        return "on" if state else "off"
        return state

[docs]def scan(args, on_switch=NOOP, on_motion=NOOP, on_bridge=NOOP, on_maker=NOOP): try: env = Environment(on_switch, on_motion, on_bridge, on_maker, with_subscribers=False, bind=args.bind) env.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) except UPnPLoopbackException: print(""" Loopback interface is being used! You will probably not receive any responses from devices. Use ifconfig to find your IP address, then either pass the --bind argument or edit ~/.wemo/config.yml to specify the IP to which devices should call back during discovery.""".strip()) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def switch(args): if args.state.lower() in ("on", "1", "true"): state = "on" elif args.state.lower() in ("off", "0", "false"): state = "off" elif args.state.lower() == "toggle": state = "toggle" elif args.state.lower() == "status": state = "status" else: print("""No valid action specified. Usage: wemo switch NAME (on|off|toggle|status)""") sys.exit(1) device_name = args.device alias = WemoConfiguration().aliases.get(device_name) if alias: matches = lambda x:x == alias elif device_name: matches = matcher(device_name) else: matches = NOOP def on_switch(switch): if matches( if state == "toggle": found_state = switch.get_state(force_update=True) switch.set_state(not found_state) elif state == "status": print(_state(switch, args.human_readable)) else: getattr(switch, state)() sys.exit(0) scan(args, on_switch) # If we got here, we didn't find anything print("No device found with that name.") sys.exit(1)
[docs]def light(args): if args.state.lower() in ("on", "1", "true"): state = "on" elif args.state.lower() in ("off", "0", "false"): state = "off" elif args.state.lower() == "toggle": state = "toggle" elif args.state.lower() == "status": state = "status" else: print("""No valid action specified. Usage: wemo light NAME (on|off|toggle|status)""") sys.exit(1) device_name = alias = WemoConfiguration().aliases.get(device_name) if alias: matches = lambda x:x == alias elif device_name: matches = matcher(device_name) else: matches = NOOP def on_switch(switch): pass def on_motion(motion): pass def on_bridge(bridge): bridge.bridge_get_lights() bridge.bridge_get_groups() for light in bridge.Lights: if matches(light): if args.state == "toggle": found_state = bridge.light_get_state(bridge.Lights[light]).get('state') bridge.light_set_state(bridge.Lights[light], state=not found_state) elif args.state == "status": print(bridge.light_get_state(bridge.Lights[light])) else: if args.dim == None and args.state == "on": dim = bridge.light_get_state(bridge.Lights[light]).get('dim') state = 1 elif args.state == "off": dim = None state = 0 elif args.dim <= 255 and args.dim >= 0: dim = args.dim state = 1 else: print("""Invalid dim specified. Dim must be between 0 and 255""") sys.exit(1) bridge.light_set_state(bridge.Lights[light],state=state,dim=dim) sys.exit(0) for group in bridge.Groups: if matches(group): if args.state == "toggle": found_state = bridge.group_get_state(bridge.Groups[group]).get('state') bridge.group_set_state(bridge.Groups[group], state=not found_state) elif args.state == "status": print(bridge.group_get_state(bridge.Groups[group])) else: if args.dim == None and args.state == "on": dim = bridge.group_get_state(bridge.Groups[group]).get('dim') state = 1 elif args.state == "off": dim = None state = 0 elif args.dim <= 255 and args.dim >= 0: dim = args.dim state = 1 else: print("""Invalid dim specified. Dim must be between 0 and 255""") sys.exit(1) bridge.group_set_state(bridge.Groups[group],state=state,dim=dim) sys.exit(0) scan(args, on_switch, on_motion, on_bridge) # If we got here, we didn't find anything print("No device or group found with that name.") sys.exit(1)
[docs]def maker(args): if args.state.lower() in ("on", "1", "true"): state = "on" elif args.state.lower() in ("off", "0", "false"): state = "off" elif args.state.lower() == "toggle": state = "toggle" elif args.state.lower() == "sensor": state = "sensor" elif args.state.lower() == "switch": state = "switch" else: print("""No valid action specified. Usage: wemo maker NAME (on|off|toggle|sensor|switch)""") sys.exit(1) device_name = args.device alias = WemoConfiguration().aliases.get(device_name) if alias: matches = lambda x:x == alias elif device_name: matches = matcher(device_name) else: matches = NOOP def on_switch(maker): return def on_motion(maker): return def on_bridge(maker): return def on_maker(maker): if matches( if state == "toggle": found_state = maker.get_state(force_update=True) maker.set_state(not found_state) elif state == "sensor": if maker.has_sensor: if args.human_readable: if maker.sensor_state: sensorstate = 'Sensor not triggered' else: sensorstate = 'Sensor triggered' print(sensorstate) else: print(maker.sensor_state) else: print("Sensor not present") elif state == "switch": if maker.switch_mode: print("Momentary Switch") else: print(_state(maker, args.human_readable)) else: getattr(maker, state)() sys.exit(0) scan(args, on_switch, on_motion, on_bridge, on_maker) # If we got here, we didn't find anything print("No device found with that name.") sys.exit(1)
[docs]def list_(args): def on_switch(switch): print("Switch:", def on_motion(motion): print("Motion:", def on_maker(maker): print("Maker:", def on_bridge(bridge): print("Bridge:", bridge.bridge_get_lights() bridge.bridge_get_groups() for group in bridge.Groups: print("Group:", group) for light in bridge.Lights: print("Light:", light) scan(args, on_switch, on_motion, on_bridge, on_maker)
[docs]def status(args): def on_switch(switch): print("Switch:",, '\t', _state(switch, args.human_readable)) def on_motion(motion): print("Motion:",, '\t', _state(motion, args.human_readable)) def on_maker(maker): if maker.switch_mode: print("Maker:",, '\t', "Momentary State:", _state(maker, args.human_readable)) else: print("Maker:",, '\t', "Persistent State:", _state(maker, args.human_readable)) if maker.has_sensor: if args.human_readable: if maker.sensor_state: sensorstate = 'Sensor not triggered' else: sensorstate = 'Sensor triggered' print('\t\t\t', "Sensor:", sensorstate) else: print('\t\t\t', "Sensor:", maker.sensor_state) else: print('\t\t\t' "Sensor not present") def on_bridge(bridge): print("Bridge:",, '\t', _state(bridge, args.human_readable)) bridge.bridge_get_lights() for light in bridge.Lights: print("Light:", light, '\t', bridge.light_get_state(bridge.Lights[light])) for group in bridge.Groups: print("Group:", group, '\t', bridge.group_get_state(bridge.Groups[group])) scan(args, on_switch, on_motion, on_bridge, on_maker)
[docs]def server(args): try: from socketio.server import SocketIOServer from ouimeaux.server import app, initialize except ImportError: print("ouimeaux server dependencies are not installed. Please run, e.g., 'pip install ouimeaux[server]'") sys.exit(1) initialize(bind=getattr(args, 'bind', None)) level = logging.INFO if getattr(args, 'debug', False): level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=level) try: # TODO: Move this to configuration listen = WemoConfiguration().listen or '' try: host, port = listen.split(':') except Exception: print("Invalid bind address configuration:", listen) sys.exit(1) SocketIOServer((host, int(port)), app, policy_server=False, namespace="").serve_forever() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): sys.exit(0)
[docs]def wemo(): import ouimeaux.utils ouimeaux.utils._RETRIES = 0 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-b", "--bind", default=None, help="ip:port to which to bind the response server." " Default is localhost:54321") parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable debug logging") parser.add_argument("-e", "--exact-match", action="store_true", default=False, help="Disable fuzzy matching for device names") parser.add_argument("-v", "--human-readable", dest="human_readable", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print statuses as human-readable words") parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", type=int, default=5, help="Time in seconds to allow for discovery") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() statusparser = subparsers.add_parser("status", help="Print status of WeMo devices") statusparser.set_defaults(func=status) stateparser = subparsers.add_parser("switch", help="Turn a WeMo Switch on or off") stateparser.add_argument("device", help="Name or alias of the device") stateparser.add_argument("state", help="'on' or 'off'") stateparser.set_defaults(func=switch) makerparser = subparsers.add_parser("maker", help="Get sensor or switch state of a Maker or Turn on or off") makerparser.add_argument("device", help="Name or alias of the device") makerparser.add_argument("state", help="'on' or 'off' or 'toggle' or 'sensor' or 'switch'") makerparser.set_defaults(func=maker) stateparser = subparsers.add_parser("light", help="Turn a WeMo LED light on or off") stateparser.add_argument("name", help="Name or alias of the device or group") stateparser.add_argument("state", help="'on' or 'off'") stateparser.add_argument("dim", nargs='?', type=int, help="Dim value 0 to 255") stateparser.set_defaults(func=light) listparser = subparsers.add_parser("list", help="List all devices found in the environment") listparser.set_defaults(func=list_) serverparser = subparsers.add_parser("server", help="Run the API server and web app") serverparser.set_defaults(func=server) args = parser.parse_args() if getattr(args, 'debug', False): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) args.func(args)